Guangli Liu

born in Lengshuijiang, China in 1990
lives and works in Paris

+33(0)6 67 49 60 28
instagram: @liu_guangli


How to Imagine the Unimaginable, with Zirui Chen


howtoimagine, Guangli Liu

How to Imagine the Unimaginable — with Zirui Chen, 2023, double-channel video. exhibition view, 2024, Drawer Inside the Bar Lines, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China.

howtoimagine, Guangli Liu

How to Imagine the Unimaginable — with Zirui Chen, 2023, double-channel video. exhibition view, 2024, Drawer Inside the Bar Lines, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China.

Maxime, is this Art? — Single-channel video, 2024, Colour, sound, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 3’51.

Katabasis, Guangli Liu

Katabasis — 2023, solo show. exhibition view, 2023,Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen, China.

Katabasis, Guangli Liu

Katabasis — 2023, solo show. exhibition view, 2023,Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen, China.

Katabasis, Guangli Liu

Katabasis — 2023, solo show. exhibition view, 2023,Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen, China.

Katabasis, Guangli Liu

Katabasis — 2023, solo show. exhibition view, 2023,Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen, China.

Katabasis, Guangli Liu

Katabasis — 2023, solo show. exhibition view, 2023,Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen, China.

Your Hands on Mine, Guangli Liu

Your Hands on Mine — 2022, video installation, various dimensions. exhibition view, 2023,Beijing Gallery Week, Beijing, China.

Your Hands on Mine, Guangli Liu

Your Hands on Mine — 2022, video installation, various dimensions. exhibition view, 2023,Chongqing Holograms, Times Art Museum, Chongqing, China.

Your Hands on Mine, Guangli Liu

Your Hands on Mine — 2022, 3d animation, 4mins.

Your Hands on Mine — Film trailer, 2022, Single-channel video, Colour, sound, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 4’.

A Memo to a Higher Place, Guangli Liu

A Memo to a Higher Place — 2023, Installation, bronze, drawing on wall, various dimensions. exhibition view, 2023,Oubliette sous Ma Peau, Zeto Art, Paris, France.

A Memo to a Higher Place, Guangli Liu

A Memo to a Higher Place — 2023, Installation, bronze, drawing on wall, various dimensions. detail, 2023,Oubliette sous Ma Peau, Zeto Art, Paris, France.

How to Split the Sea in Two, Guangli Liu

How to Split the Sea in Two — 2022, Installation, various dimensions. exhibition view, 2022,Thinking Through Ocean, Topred Centre for Contemporary Art, Xiamen, China.

How to Split the Sea in Two, Guangli Liu

How to Split the Sea in Two — 2022, Installation, various dimensions. detail of installation, 2022,Thinking Through Ocean, Topred Centre for Contemporary Art, Xiamen, China.

How to Split the Sea in Two, Guangli Liu

How to Split the Sea in Two — 2022, Installation, various dimensions. detail of installation, 2022,Thinking Through Ocean, Topred Centre for Contemporary Art, Xiamen, China.

How to Split the Sea in Two, Guangli Liu

How to Split the Sea in Two — 2022, Installation, various dimensions. One hour landscape after the miracle, video, 60mins, 2022,Thinking Through Ocean, Topred Centre for Contemporary Art, Xiamen, China.

How to Split the Sea in Two, Guangli Liu

How to Split the Sea in Two — 2022, Installation, various dimensions. Tutorial - How to Split the Sea in Two, video, 7mins 30s, 2022,Thinking Through Ocean, Topred Centre for Contemporary Art, Xiamen, China.

Sitting on My Face

Screen recording and 3d animation, 14mins 41s, 2022

Jade, a Korean-born art student, writes in her diary about encountering anti-Asian racism, sexism, and homophobia in France. Her disillusionment with France, her rage at racists, and the lack of understanding from others all prompted her to reconcile with reality through art.

Crédits :
Figuration : Hyun BAHC
Réalisation : Guangli LIU
Chef opérateur : Zirui CHEN
Chef électricien : Yifan ZHANG
Prise de son : Hongli WANG
Assistante-réalisation : Hélène BOUNTHONG
Interviewer : Nicolas VIMENET
Musique : Bai LI
Montage image : Guangli LIU, Huimin WU
Création 3D : Guangli LIU, Hyun BAHC
Montage son : Hongli WANG
Mixage : Hongli WANG
Graphisme : Huimin WU
Communication du projet : Hélène BOUNTHONG

Remerciements : Annie XIE, Camille SAIGNAVONGS, Jeon JIN

Production :
Association des Jeunes Chinois de France (AJCF),
Réseau de recherche « Migrations de l’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est en France » (MAF)
Centre de recherche Médecine, Sciences, Santé, Santé Mentale, Société (CERMES3)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Dans le cadre de la Recherche-Action REACTAsie (Octobre 2020 - Septembre 2022)

« L’expérience des discriminations et du racisme des personnes d’origine asiatique - de l’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est - en France »

Financement : Défenseur des Droits

Sitting on My Face, Guangli Liu

Sitting on My Face [video still] — 2022, Single-channel video, Colour, sound, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 14’21’’.

Sitting on My Face — Film trailer, 2022, Single-channel video, Colour, sound, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 14’41’’.

I Ain't No Boring Artist, Guangli Liu

I Ain’t No Boring Artist [video still] — 2021, Single-channel video, Colour, sound, found footage, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 25fps, 03’58’’.

I Ain’t No Boring Artist — 2021, Single-channel video, Colour, sound, found footage, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 25fps, 03’58’’.

Very, Very, Tremendously [trailer]— 2021, vidéo 1 min

Very, Very, Tremendously

Found footage and 3d animation, 12mins 12s, 2021

Drawing on the threads of Virtual Currency and Digital Junk, Very, Very, Tremendously seeks to discuss how the acts of production and consumption from the virtual world interact systematically with reality, whilst also mirrors how the ‘two realities’ coexist in geopolitical conflict. The virtual, as a potential to be realized in the actual, is becoming a reality. Our attention is seized unawares towards being present and leads to generating an alternative reality. Behind the decentralized monetary system are centralized mining farms. The virtual objects that vanished out of the air in video games also, to an extent, shift our anxiety regarding the increasingly squeezed space of reality.

A section of the animation features 3D junk from the American video game Battlefield 4 (2013), which was banned for its content in mainland China. A statement was taken from an unannounced video statement Trump made at the White House on the 2nd of December 2020 at 4 pm and claimed: “may be the most important speech I’ve ever made”.

Collected and animated by Guangli Liu
Original soundtrack by Haiying Gao and Bai Li
Sound editing: Haiying Gao
Image editing: Guangli Liu, Huimin Wu
Assistant: Zirui Chen
Special thanks to Hao Long, Xing Xiao, Xiyue Hu

Technical information:
Video Format: Digital Betacam
Software used: Cinema 4D, Unity 3D
Animation techniques: 3D Computer
Screening format: ProRes422, MP4
FHD 1920×1080, 24fps
Single-channel video, colour, sound, found footage, 3D animation

Let's Do Some Social, Guangli Liu

Let’s Do Some Social — 2021, 3d Prints and spray painting, various dimensions

Let’s Do Some Socails [détail] — 2021

Let’s Do Some Socails [détail] — 2021

A Present from You to Me, google map, 2012, Boulevard Haussman

A Present From You to Me, Guangli Liu

A Present from You to Me, google map, 2020, 9 Avenue Bertie Albrecht,

A Present from You to Me, a reply to Yue YUAN’s project — 2020, single channel video, 5’19”, UHD 2880×1440, 25fps

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest — 2020, DCP, short animation documentary, Black and white, sound, archives, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 21’10’’.

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest [trailer] — 2020,1 min

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest

DCP, 21mins, 2020

“It was 1974, war had lasted for years…” So begins the memory of an old Chinese man who lived through the regime of the Khmer Rouge led by the Communist Party of Cambodia. The tightly controlled Cambodian media left very few images between 1975 and 1979. This was a time when millions of people died unnecessarily and about 200,000 were people of Chinese descent. Guangli Liu’s film is a collective imagination of that lost history based on propaganda videos and the disaster videos which spread throughout the world after the fall of the Khmer Rouge. Narrated through the autobiographical voice, a tender, personal history unfurls as a virtual reality of an imagined recent past. Detailing the human condition and traumas of the dispossessed. The contrast between the archive footage and the 3D reconstruction shows the role of the experimental digital as it interweaves memory with history into the universal of being human. (Jutta Schmiederer)

Original script: Guangli Liu 刘广隶
Image: Pauline Sicard
Voice: Xu Wenliang 许文良
Animation 3D : Guangli Liu, Huimin Wu 刘广隶,武慧敏
Technical assistant: Wenli Li 李雯丽
Editing: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Léo Guillaume, Yuyan Wang, Guangli Liu 王裕言,刘广隶
Film score composer: Yoann Helynck
Sound Designer: Martin Delzescaux
Sound Editing: Martin Delzescaux, Inoa Kan
Artistic accompaniment: Paolo Cirio

Technical information:
Location : Nice, France
Video Format: Digital cinema, HD
DCP: yes - 24 fps
Process : Black and White
Frame format / Image ratio : 16/9=1.77
Sound format / Ratio : Dolby Digital 5.1
Sound version : Voice over
Language of the original version : Chinese
Subtitle language: French, English, Spanish

Production / Distribution : Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains
Responsable du projet : François Bonenfant
Chargé de production : Guylaine HUET
Contact : Natalia Trebik, Responsable de la diffusion des oeuvres
Adresse bureaux : 22, rue du Fresnoy 59200 Tourcoing
Tél. : 03 20 28 38 64 / Fax : 03 20 28 38 99
Mail :
​Site : +

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest, Guangli Liu

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest [behind the scene] — 2020.

When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest exhibition view, 2021, CyberArt 2021, Linz

Tutorial – how to shoot in 3D? What the frog’s eye tells the frog’s brain? — 2020, single-channel video, color, sound, 3D animation, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 07’25’’. alt: How to Shoot in 3D, Guangli Liu

Pray for — 2020, PLA, 3D prints and spray painting, various dimensions. exhibition view 2020, Machine Ronde, Brussel

Pray for [detail] — 2020, PLA, 3D prints and spray painting.

One of the metaphor of ‘photogrammetry’ is that the look we cast on the object forms what we see. In other words, the way we see decides what we see. The gesture of prayer is split from different cultural background and reflects the original commitment between the body and the universe. When reproducing statues that have been translated (for example, Chinese craftsman copying the Holy Mother of God), the digital error that arise from the operation of photogrammetry and 3D printing is amplified and reserved, indicating the inevitable misconception brought by language.

Anagāriya — 2020, Single-channel 3d animation, colour, sound, UHD 2880×1440, 24fps, 09’31’’.


Antimony Capital News, Wei Fang

Antimony Capital News — 2019, DCP, color, sound, archives from local TV, HD 4:3, 24fps, 27’23’’.

Antimony Capital News

DCP, 21mins27s, 2019

Lengshuijiang, a small city in the heart of Hunan Province, was established since its “Xikuangshan mine” contains the world’s largest deposit of antimony and was once known as “the antimony capital of the world.” During the two world wars, this isolated land in the middle of the mountains exported nearly 80 percent of the world’s antimony products.

Antimony Capital News was originally a documentary news broadcast by the local television station in Lengshuijiang. In this film, some of the original footage from early days of the program is intertwined with the footage depicting the film set of the documentary The Local Records of China - The Chapter of Lengshuijiang, attempting to creat a “timeless” narrative. Under a certain specific kind of ideology, the reality and continuity of the genre of “news” no longer exist, leaving behind images that say nothing other than the process of its own birth. Thus, the present moment is always absent.

In 2009, Lengshuijiang was officially considered a “resource-depleted” city by the State Council, only forty years after its foundation.

Original script: Guangli LIU 刘广隶
Image: Guangli LIU, Hao LIU, Zhipeng ZHOU 刘广隶,刘颢,周志鹏
Voice: Wei FANG, Haolei WU 方巍,吴浩雷
Editing: Benoit MÉRY, Guangli LIU 刘广隶
Film score composer: Bai LI 李白
Sound Designer: Martin DELZESCAUX
Sound Editing: Martin DELZESCAUX, Florent BOURGAIN
Artistic accompaniment: Bing WANG 王兵

Technical information:
Location : Lengshuijiang, Hunan, China
Video Format: Digital cinema (high resolution digital cameras), HD, 16mm
DCP: yes - 25 fps
Process : Colour
Frame format / Image ratio : 4/3=1.33
Sound format / Ratio : Dolby Digital 5.1
Sound version: Dialogues, Voice over
Language of the original version: Chinese
Subtitle language: French, English

Production / Distribution : Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains
Responsable du projet : François Bonenfant
Chargé de production : Guylaine HUET
Contact : Natalia Trebik, Responsable de la diffusion des oeuvres
Adresse bureaux : 22, rue du Fresnoy 59200 Tourcoing
Tél. : 03 20 28 38 64 / Fax : 03 20 28 38 99
Mail :
Site : +

Antimony Capital News, Guangli Liu
Antimony Capital News, Guangli Liu

Antimony Capital News [behind the scene]

Antimony Capital News [trailer] — 2019, color, sound, HD 4:3, 24fps, 1 min.

IYESU, Guangli Liu

IYESU - Necklace and support, 2019, PLA, 3d prints, customized necklace.

IYESU, Guangli Liu.

IYESU - Necklace and support [detail] —PLA, 3d prints, customized necklace.

IYESU - Necklace [détail] — 2019, metal, glass and mini prints.

The micro-carving necklace is a popular online token of love that allows consumers to place photos or texts in the center of the necklace to demonstrate their feelings to their beloved, and sellers often advertise these products with a tagline like “100 Languages I Love You.”This “I Love You” necklace consumerizes the act of looking. After the gaze, people click and buy, a practice of promise that is fluid and light. Yet what is reflected in the token is nothing other than the lover himself or herself.

The artist has ordered a collection of ‘Martyrdom of the Cross’ necklaces, placing in them a series of images from the history of the spread of Catholicism in China: paintings depicting the martyrdom of European missionaries in the Far East, localized biblical illustrations from books published in the Ming and Qing dynasties, or porcelains Jesus ordered by Europeans and portrayed by Chinese artists during the time of Canton’s Thirteen Factories. This collection of necklaces is branded as IYESU, pronounced in Chinese as “Love Jesus”, which can also be disassembled as I YES U. Faith is reduced to a consumable promise while devotion to love and faith becomes a performance of the subject’s reassertion of the self within his or her own system of representation.

IYESU - Publication — 2021, Single-channel video, Color, sound, 3D animation, footage, FHD 1920×1080, 24fps, 01’11’’.

IYESU - digital drawing, 2019, Jesus found and copied in China.

IYESU exhibition view, 2021, Memento, ZetoArt, 2021

YESU by GAN — 2021, Single-channel video, image database and GAN generated images, HD 1920×1080, 60fps, 02’53’’.

The Crossing of the Red Sea, Guangli Liu

The Crossing of the Red Sea — 2019, Installation, various dimensions. exhibition view, 2019, Pull up the Stake, Beijing. Image courtesy of Qimu Space.

The Crossing of the Red Sea - Temporary Relationship between Antimony from Tin Mine and a Chinese man with only English name [détail] — 2019, Antimony Slab, Tin Mine of Lengshuijiang City, The Question of Hu, Jonathan D. Spence, Original English Version.

The Crossing of the Red Sea - Victoria and Nicolas [détail] — 2019, books in differents sizes.

The Crossing of the Red Sea - Red Sea of Guangzhou [détail] — 2019, Oil painting, 50cm × 65cm, Guanngzhou.

The Crossing of the Red Sea - Painter, City and Travel [détail] — 2019, Ground Printing, 3m × 6.13m.

The Crossing of the Red Sea - An Unsent Letter to Phillip [détail] — 2019, The Letter and envelope were returned by the French post office. A publication in chinese, a USB drive imprinted with the name of “Phillips”.

Mr. Bi — 2017, installation, various dimensions.

Mr. Bi - 02 — 2017, video, 5’13”.

Mr. Bi - 04 [detail] — 2017, oil painting on 3D printed mask, 25 x 11 x 8cm.

Mr. Bi - 02 [detail] — 2017, photo (22 x 30cm), video on iphone (5’13”).

Mr. Bi - 01 [detail] — 2017, text, A4.

Mr. Bi - 03 — 2017, single-channel video, 3d animation, 2’06”.

I am the Other [détail] — 2017, single channel video, 10’39”. exhibition view DNSEP, Villa Arson, Nice

I am the Other — 2017, single-channel video, 3d animation and footage, 10’39”.

Negociation — 2017, oil painting on wood, diameter: 120cm

I sneaked into somebody’s unfinished home and left him art [photo of the community] — 2016.

I sneaked into somebody’s unfinished home and left him arta [inside of the apartment] — 2016, prints.

I sneaked into somebody’s unfinished home and left him arta [inside of the apartment] — 2016, prints.

In the summer of 2016, in order to host the G20 summitin Hangzhou, all construction sites were suspended for almost one year. I sneaked into a nearly completed community, entered one of the apartments, and left some words about art on the wall for the future owner, but I removed “art” from those sentences.